Legal notices

Partner of EOS RISQ

SAS a share capital of 2,800,000 €
RCS Chambery 832805444
Registered office:
Résidence le Grand Cœur - Bât B
298, Avenue Maréchal Leclerc - CS 80023
73704 Bourg Saint Maurice cedex, France

ORIAS N°: 17007353 -
Under the supervision of the ACPR - Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution - 4 Place de Budapest - CS 92459 - 75436 PARIS Cedex 09.

Professional civil liability insurance and financial guarantee in accordance with the French Insurance Code.

MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE – 8/14 avenue des Frères Lumière – 94368 Bry-sur-Marne Cedex – S.A. au capital de 12.558.240 € entièrement versé– Entreprise régie par le Code des Assurances RCS 383 974 086 Créteil – TVA FR 31 3 974 086 000 19.

Responsible for publication:
Yannick Amet - General manager

Law covering computer held data and freedom of information
Personal details gathered on the site are derived from information given voluntarily by means of the forms on the site. These details are exclusively for the internal use of GBC MONTAGNE. In no case are they shared or sold on to third parties.

In accordance with the law of 06/01/1978 relating to information technology, data files and freedom of information, you have the right to access, alter, correct or delete data about you.
To exercise that right, write to:

Download the  Bourg Saint Maurice Charter

Our brokerage firm carries out its activities in accordance with the provisions of Article L521-1-II-b of the French Insurance Code.

Les plus belles images sont réalisées artistiquement par M. Patrick HAZEAUX,

Auto Editions Patrick HAZEAUX
39, Place de la Fruitière - Longefoy
04 79 55 65 70
Vous pouvez visiter son site sur

Réalisation :


6b rue Royale
74000 Annecy

Nom et adresse de l'hébergeur
Microsoft Ireland Operations Ltd, Atrium Building Block B, Carmenhall Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Irlande